CEEPUS is a mobility scholarship programme in the field of higher education, designed to support student and teacher exchanges, the organisation of summer schools, special courses and student excursions by developing long-term academic co-operation between partner institutions within the participating countries. The programme strengthens the strategic role of the CEE region.

Applications can be submitted to accredited higher education institutions of the participating countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.

The programme started more than two decades ago in 1995 and functioning with rising success, demonstrated by the increasing number of involved participants. The main activity of CEEPUS developed in the framework of university networks (created minimum 3 universities from 3 different countries) which operate joint programs. CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework. It is a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experience among European countries with common cultural heritage and strong background of academic cooperation.

The CEEPUS Agreement was signed on 8 December 1993 by the ministers of education of the founding countries. The first student and teacher mobilities between the partner institutions were realised in the second semester of the academic year 1994/1995. The current Agreement, CEEPUS III has entered into force in 2011. CEEPUS III pays special attention to support research activities and joint doctoral programmes.

The full text of the current regulations is available on the central website www.ceepus.info / About us.

Each member country has its own National CEEPUS Office (NCO) which is responsible for the co-ordination of the CEEPUS programme in the whole country. In Hungary, this task is performed by Tempus Public Foundation.

You can find the contact details of the National CEEPUS Offices at the website of the Central CEEPUS Office (www.ceepus.info) under country data.

The operational framework of the programme is provided by the incoming scholarship months offered by member countries. Prior to every academic year, each member country offers a scholarship quota at the Senior Officials´ Meeting, which serves as the framework for the incoming mobilities in the next academic year. They also state the scholarship amounts of the guest students and lecturers. As the CEEPUS scholarship is awarded and paid by the host country, the amount is different in each country. You can find information about the precise scholarship amounts on the website of the Central CEEPUS Office (www.ceepus.info), under country data.